Detached Building Power

There are a few scenarios where new electrical panels are required in order to provide power to the detached buildings. But those are a case by case situation. Also depending on what kind of equipment you want to run in your garage/shed will determine how much power you will need.

Looking to power up that detached garage? Or how about that shed that you want to convert to a workshop? Give us a call to help make that dream a reality.

Most power to these detached buildings can be supplied with overhead wiring. It can also be installed underground but is typically much more expensive. There are also some code requirements that your existing service needs to meet before you can start adding sub panels to it.

What to expect:

Power can be supplied either overhead or underground. Overhead can be a less aesthetic, but can save quite a bit more money.

How is power supplied?

If your current panel is overloaded, grounding is outdated, or has other major code violations we may need to look into changing your main panel first before adding things onto it.

When is a new panel required?

This can vary based on needs and budgets. Usually 100 amps to a garage or shed is plenty unless the customer has a dedicated workshop and an electric vehicle they want to charge.

How much power do you recommend?